
Are you ready to WEED out your FEARS and live YOUR life in FULL BLOOM?

What has being afraid COST you in life?

Hi, my name is Virlynn Randolph and I can honestly say that allowing my past to take charge of my future ALMOST cost me everything…


You See FEAR is a tricky…

You may not always even recognize that it is FEAR that is impacting your ability to move to the next level…

Because Fear comes in SO many different forms.

Our job is to help YOU identify exactly WHAT is holding you back…and free you to LIVE a life the life you have always dreamed of…

Using our Signature One of a Kind Color of Courage System

We not only identify WHAT is holding you back, but we work to provide you with tools and resources to COMBAT your FEAR and POWER UP your COURAGE…

Purple – Power of Procrastination

Pink – Push past Perfection

Red – Retaliate against your fear

Green – Get OVER what others think

Indigo – Use Intellect over Indecision

Orange – OVERCOME Self Doubt

Violet – Become VICTORIOUS over your FEAR of Failure or Success

Blue – Become what you KNOW you are capable of

You see YOUR fears are NOT your FAULT

Just like seeds, fear is planted in us by the people and the environment around us.

More often than not it is the action of OTHERS that causes our fear to grow

If we are NOT good gardeners and work to remove the seeds of doubt and fear sown into us by others our FEARS will keep us from living LIFE in full bloom

The Color of Courage Coaching

During this 12 Step program my team and I will work closely with you to help you identify when fear is holding you back and get to the root of that fear.

Step 1A Commitment to Courage – Introduction to the Color of Courage

Step 2: FEAR in the form of Excuses

Step 3A Vison of Courage – Identifying WHAT FEAR is costing you and what a LIFE of Courage would look like

Step 4: Name that Fear – Help identifying your primary Color of Courage, and the biggest Fears that are keeping you captive

Step 9: Dreaming BIG – Learning how to use Pros VS CONS to make the decisions that have been holding you back and to help you make decisions MORE quickly in the future

Step 10: Placing Blame – How to STOP placing blame on THOSE who  may have caused your fear in the first place and move forward being complaint and blame free

Step 11: Taking out the Trash  – Removing those from around you that may be instilling Fear and Doubt 

Step 12: Building your Cheer Squad – building a trusted inner circle of supporters

Step 5: Conversations of Courage – Learning how to speak positive and Affirm your new courageous life

Step 6: Risk VS Reward – Identifying what’s the WORST that could really happen so you can start to move MORE swiftly towards obtaining your goals

Step 7: The Bright Side – Helping you understand how to turn your Lemons into Lemonade

Step 8: FEAR NOT – Learning to leverage your BELIEF in GOD to help you move forward

YOU choose at what level you want to participate! The higher the level, the more support you will receive. 

We have something for EVERY budget!